Ring in the year of the snake with the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC (FACL BC) and Allard’s Asia Pacific Law Club (APLC) at our Lunar New Year Food Fest! This event aims to not only bring together the FACL BC mentors and mentees but also celebrate mentorship in the Asian legal community as a whole. We invite you to join us for a special evening with a variety of signature Asian foods from different cultures and exciting rounds of trivia!
Location: University of British Columbia - Arts Student Centre (across from the Peter A. Allard Law School)
Time: 6:00PM (registration begins at 5:30PM)
Dress Code: Smart Casual
We thank Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP for their kind support and generous sponsorship.
Final Notes
This is a complimentary event, please update your RSVP if you plans change as a courtesy to our sponsors and other potential attendees. Timely notification of any changes ensures efficient planning and helps us maintain the quality of our events.
Please note that unexplained absences or repeated no-shows to FACL BC events may affect your ability to attend future complimentary events.
By attending this event, you agree to abide by the FACL BC Event Code of Conduct.
If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct, please email info@faclbc.ca.